Thursday, December 15, 2011

CRASH? Do you agree with Forbes? That the United States facing perhaps the worst financial crisis since 1933?

Forbes magazine said the United States is now facing perhaps the worst financial crisis since the banking panic that former President Franklin Roosevelt faced in 1933.

To help grease the financial plumbing Monday, the Federal Reserve pumped a total of $70 billion ($50 billion and then another regularly scheduled $20 billion were injected in temporary reserves) into the nation's financial system through open market operations to help ease credit stresses.

Lehman Brothers, the country's fourth-largest investment bank, filed for bankruptcy protection. A weakened Merrill Lynch, deciding it couldn't go it alone anymore, found help in the arms of Bank of America. Now, the insurance giant American International Group (AIG) is dangerously wobbling. Against this backdrop, Wall Street on Monday plunged 500 points, the most since the September 2001 terror attacks.

"Fed pumps $70B into nation's financial system"…

"Wall Street is now at the mercy of Washington."

"Facing reporters at the White House on Monday, Wall-Street-titan-turned-Treasury-Secret… Henry Paulson deflected questions about whom to finger for the meltdown, saying simply: “I’m playing the hand that was dealt to me.” So is Wall Street, and it’s folding."

"No matter who’s elected, the next administration might have a much easier job of watching over the investment banking industry simply because it will be so tiny."…

On the trail... latest from our future leadership...

McCain: Fundamentals of Economy Remain Strong

On the campaign trail, Senator John McCain said that the fundamentals of the economy remain strong.

Sen. John McCain: “You know that there’s been tremendous turmoil in our financial markets and Wall Street. And it is—people are frightened by these events. Our economy, I think, still, the fundamentals of our economy are strong, but these are very, very difficult time. And I promise you we will never put America in this position again. We will clean up Wall street. We will reform government. And this is a failure.”

Senator Barack Obama accused McCain of subscribing to the same economic philosophy as President Bush.

Sen. Barack Obama: “For eight years, we’ve had policies that have shredded consumer protections, that have loosened oversight and regulation and encouraged out-sized bonuses to CEO’s while ignoring middle-class Americans. The result is the most serious financial crisis since the Great Depression. And I certainly don’t fault Senator John McCain for these problems, but I do fault the economic philosophy he subscribes to, because it’s the same philosophy we’ve had for the last eight years.”

All this has been happening since yesterday when the stock market dropped over 500 points and the ripple effect being felt around the world. Economists are all warning us this is a huge problem, it may be hard to get loans for cars, houses, etc. The state of the economy could get exponentially worse. People are being encouraged to withdraw from the banks and sell their stocks, etc.

I wrote about this last night (per FDIC not being able to deal with the trillion dollars potentiall at risk, etc.), and got some very interesting answers, please refer to that too for some keen insight and additional information...

Is American in trouble? Are bank deposits for once at risk?;…

What I want to know is... Are we really in this deep of trouble, What the economists are saying.???..

"Once in century kind of phenomenon!"

"This is the financial storm of the century!"

"Congress must recapitalize FDIC immediately!"

"1 trillion at risk, FDIC can only cover $50 billion!", etc...

Someone please explain what is going on and what is going to happen, or your opinions on this please.|||I believe the term that struck me last night was that if AIG declares bankruptcy, it would be a financial nuclear bomb. And yes, I do agree with the article that we are facing the greatest depression since 1933. If the Fed continues to tax Americans by printing more money and pumping into these companies to bail them out, we'll be getting there pretty quickly. The Fed is ultimately taxing every tax-paying citizen when they bail these people out. US citizens should be angry as hell about that. They're robbing us and many people don't even realize it. We're looking at hyper-inflation and a collapse of the U.S. economic system.|||No, Forbes in owned by rich people with no clue of the real world.

Hard to find a budget problem when you are always attending $500. a plate dinners.

BTW cut and paste has never really done much for me...It just shows you can quote someone else. Not think.|||The sky is falling, the sky is falling!|||you bet ye, but according to mc cain it aint even a recession yet.|||Forbes is absolutely correct, when the fed comes to the rescue of these buisnesses, all they are doing is, starting up the money printing press and digging a deeper hole for our kids.

Experts are trying to say that the financial markets are much stronger today than it was in 1933, I beg to differ.

ron paul sits on a financial committee seat in congress, he's been warning of whats coming to our economy, he's tried to offer solutions, and basically he's been nothing but ridiculed by media and politicians alike, by the end of november, people are going to wish ron paul was still a candidate for the presidency, but too late now, 2009 will be the year of the Great Great Depression under either candidate.

|||i believe that we are headed to soemthing quite simiar to the crash of october 29, 1929 but thanks to the rever program we should be fine as long as apeople DO NOT PANIC!!!!! you should only be really worried about your bank going under if you have more then the insured amount in your savings. iyou can lose upto $100,000 with the insurance from the goverment but if you have mroe then that move the exiss to differnt bank accounts.

the ressions is spirailling downward and has many simialrities to thecrash of 1929. the comercail debt and loaning debt is to high and people are failing to pay back properly which means the banks are less likely to loan out money so people are less abel to buy things and so the bank must once again loan even less money cuz less money is going around. the morge crisis was just the first indication of something going wrong.

the moradge crisis is proff that the banking in the us is going down ward and many people are losing their homes just like in the 1930's.

before ocotber 29th the federal goverment pushed a big sum of money into the stock market which kept it inflated for just a little while longer (maybe a week) before the true crash. this is following the exact same pattern

just a restatment. yeha were headed towards sometign similar to the 1929 depression and it's headed our way

*edit* this web site contains the credit analise of the us economy pertaning to the future crash, it involes the cause and what must happen right now to weaken the blow:…

this web site also predicts the two possible out comes of this "inflationary depression" they believe that our currency will become worth nothing abd become much like what happened to germany after WWI with taking a wheel barrel of money to by a loaf of bread|||the filthy rich %26amp; the intellegent are preparing for another "great depression". if you want to survive the upcomming "depression" start stockpiling food %26amp; learn to grow your own food (like me)!!! we are in fact heading for another "great depression". if you think i'm wrong... consider this... we are experiencing 1 disaster after another, oil prices are skyrocketing, %26amp; we are at war with too many countries to mention. how can our government pay for all of these things? only 1 way... RAISE TAXES, RAISE TAXES, RAISE TAXES!!! no matter who is running our country, we cannot avoid the upcomming depression.

zig heil King Bush!


The Banks, the investors and the shareholders!?

The financial institutions in the USA decided to allow, those Americans who were a credit risk, to borrow money for mortgages etc.

This money ( lots of it) was loaned at exhorbitant interest rates, the USA finance industry offered the ownership of these loans to foreign financial establishments.

The British finance industry, in it's thirst for more returns on it's money, it's need to reward it's executives with outlandish bonusses and it's desire to offer the best returns for it's investors and shareholders, decided to buy in to these loans big style.

The cost of living in the USA, drove many of those who recieved the loans, to default on their payments, the result being that many of the British financial institutions started to panic over what they had done with their members invested money.

So because one bank had no idea how much another bank had invested in those market, it created an air of suspicion and the usual facility of banks lending and borrowing off each other was ceased.

This caused a squeeze on the day to day operating cash available to the banks and financial institutions.

Investors started to withdraw their cash and shares and savers started to question the security of their deposits.

Now everyone of these people suddenly turned round and demanded the government "Do Something".

This raises a couple of questions.

A) as the value of shares can go up as well as down, were these people prepared to give the government a lump of their earnings when the times were good?

B) These people and their greed, were responsible for the price increase in commodities which were crippling the normal working man, is it now right that this same working man should loan his tax payments to these people to allow them to recover their ill gotten gains.

C) Should the senior board members and executives of these financial institutions be sacked for their incompetence and greed?|||A) If the Government does use taxpayer money to bail them out then yes. It should be a loan and make those morons pay interest.

B) It isn't right that taxpayers loan taxes to pay for this, but it doesn't seem like our government wanted to ask the citizens about it. This would have been something I would have wanted to vote on.

C) If that's how these businesses want to run things, then I say let them profit from loss, but lets not bail them out. Also, who are these companies that keep taking these people and hire them for boards and executive positions? It is mind blowing.

I'm one of the homeowners who was told I could make my payments, even when I thought I couldn't. But I trusted the fact that the loan officer, who calculated everything that we had as far as bills and assets and said that we could definitely do it.

I'm definitely doing it, but it's rough. We love our home and don't want to lose it, so we are cutting corners and not paying some of our bills when we should be. I don't want the government to bail me out, so I'm definitely of the mind set that the government shouldn't bail these companies out as well.

How is anyone going to learn if they don't burn?|||230 thousands of New Yorkers have been cut out of electricity and water supply due to their debts.

Every family should entitle to enjoy housing and daily necessary within their affordable range. If they borrowed money to go some investment, it just like gambling with others' money.

In most corporation, they need money to kick out their projects. At the end of each years, marketers and inventors got their project proposal and directors would use them to borrow money from banks. If the result of those project were good, they have money to return to banks. However, if there are too much projects as collins submarine - pushing hard but little revenue, then they would be in bad debt.

Life is more on gambling but you need to play it wise.

It would be good to have a central database for those debtors and loans. When they tried to apply, every bank would know their history.|||Firstly, shareholders do give lump sums on there dividend returns via taxation. Corporation tax takes a 20% marker off the profit margin left after all other costs have been paid out on behalf of all the workers, whoever they might be from management to ground force. The 20% corporation tax is a stealth against all industries doing well a cap against profit.

Secondly the people really responsible for the price increases are as follows;-

Estate agents and other property valuers inflating the costs of property. Property has gone up by 300% in some areas and 500% in others. It is obvious this is extortion. But sellers feel wow my property has gone up. I'll sell and make a profit. So individuals have become very greedy. Buyers on the other hand have to find ways to fund these increased costs. So end up paying more and eventually losing out when they can't afford to keep the payments up.

Estate agents have forced banks to increase lending rates and in truth we are now facing the life time mortgage and not just 25 years. In some instances mortgages are being arranged between more than one party rent to buy schemes is one avenue and another is two people agreeing to buy together. The problem here is that wages though have not kept pace with mortgage criteria. So this means the ordinary working man or woman must be really earning something decent to buy in the first place or maybe like my friend tells me, People lie about their incomes.

I feel your point B is not so clear. At least a third of all FTSE related companies are owned by ordinary working people who felt at a time when they had spare cash, to invest it. Some came by this extra cash in the form of shares when building societies became banks and to be honest this should never have happened. This added increased diversity from new investors who couldn't really afford to add to the investment opportunity. A good proportion sensed that the windfall would be better spent on holidays and withdrew it.

So Estate agents were the source that pushed up one of the most basic costs an individual is ever likely to have in a lifetime, the family home. Then human greed took over. Private householders thought they'd jump on the band wagon and feed the house market increases. As a result many householders are now struggling to pay mortgages, the amounts of negative equity is rising and the numbers of repossessions double every year.

On the social front the children of these families who have had there homes repossessed in economically depressed times suffer with their education and have problems with life.

You speak of the price hike on commodities, to this every negative has a positive. Prior to the price hikes on Gas, Electricity, Water, Telephones around 5 - 8 years of cost stability had been reached, when the price per unit, therm or call was stable. However during that time a steady rise in wages and the salaries of management had taken place, More monies being paid out meant less money available for investment so companies began to diversify, increase the number of shareholders and merge. All the time the costs were rising for all of the exploratory investment opportunities. Smaller Shareholders who had little to gain and little to lose began to lose out this left only the big cats in place to bolster the economy. In return they became greedy the bonuses were high and extortionate and some were tax free caused a greater divide between the rich and the poor. Even so instead of it being reinvested it went into buying estates and million pound mansions.

The idea of capping wages has never been popular but in all honesty I really think we need to start placing a cap at the upper end for who in the world is worth more than 100k a year. Nobody. Commisions should be tied to investments within the industry not personal gain.

These unforeseen gains carry even greater debt loads and greater interest charges so much so in the British press recently a self made millionaire orchestrated the arson of his property and killed his family in the process. He couldn't face the music. Meanwhile as such is the modern pace of money cylcles is now stagnant, in other words real money is not circulating instead it is figures only. The financial crisis is trying to get old money out of us.

Old money is anything you have as savings or collaterall.

So its not necessarily all about ill gotten gains, as all human beings possess the ability to be greedy.

Look again at property and ask yourself why we have so many rent to buy schemes. Why do we have TV programmes flogging houses to do it and profit on? Why do we have rising numbers homeless? Greed. Inadequate areas of real investment.

In order to resettle the economic issues you just need to see wage capping and a greater speread of the worlds wealth. Britain is a wealthy country for one so small, its unfortunate that we have 90% of the wealth tied up in 5% of the population.|||It isn't greed. It is all out Gluttony!

Oct 3, Washington Mutual President could get 13 million plus dollars for 18 days on the job, (supposedly, he is not going to take all of it from what I have been reading).鈥?/a>

Here is another example:

It was just released this morning that AIG spent $440 thousand dollars

on a "retreat and spa" for their employees after the taxpayer (aka government) bailed them out! If that isn't an outrage what is?鈥?/a>

Has anyone done this? Is this a scam?

A company by the name of JPL Independent %26amp; Co LTD contacted me via e-mail if I was interested in a job with them. The job would allow me to work from home. By going over their web site it seemed good to me so I agreed. They don鈥檛 ask for money what so ever only for my contact information and Bank account number to which they will deposit my paycheck too. So I e-mailed them back the completed application and my resume. They emailed me back to day telling me my training start tomorrow and via internet so one will be contacting me as well. If I have any questions to call this number (781) 241 9930. Well, I called and its not a working # and 781 area code appears to be located in Lexington, MA, when the website indicates the company is located in Buxton, Derbyshire overseas. Now am scared because they have my personal information and account # (not my SS# though). What can I do? Or What should I do? i dont want to know about any other work from home site, only if this is a scam!

Also they e-mailed me these instructions:


The training days don't have to be consecutive (you can make breaks

for one or several days if it's necessary).

Your application was reviewed by the Human Resource Department and your candidacy

was approved. After you complete the free training course company guarantees your

employment within one business day.

Your daily raining wage: $50.00 (the money that you receive in the beginning of each

training day

as compensation for your time and all the expenses associated with the training -


phone, Internet connection etc.). If for technical reasons your training has to be postponed

you receive the training wage as well.

The course is distant, except for two personal meetings with one of company鈥檚 managers

in your city. While passing the course you will be permanently assisted by the phone.

While studying, you will permanently move from the easiest to more complicated levels.

Each lesson contains a theoretical and a practical part. Everyday you will receive studying materials that

you should earn and streng then your knowledge by passing tests.

The training course starts with familiarizing with payment systems. During the first three training days you

will get familiarized with all the payment systems that interact with ECSS system. Besides learning theory

you will practice with performing elementary operations (sending/receiving money, depositing on account

etc.) to be able to answer clients questions and consult them in real time.

NOTE: You don鈥檛 have to use any personal money for the training purposes. *

The 10-day training course includes the following stages:

Day 1. Initial professional level check. Familiarization with payment systems (MoneyGram, Western Union

). Day 2. Paypal. Bank accounts.

Day 3. Other payment systems. Installation of ECSS-Client.

Day 4. ECSS-Client: Requests handling.

Day 5. ECSS-Client: Databases.

Day 6. ECSS-Client: Reports.

Day 7. ECSS: B2B- and B2C- applications.

Day 8. ECSS: Exchanges between payment systems.

Day 9. Workday rehearsal 1..

Day 10. Workday rehearsal 2.

* Money for the training you will receive to an account that you specify along with your daily training w



1. Your personal manager calls you to confirm that everything is ready for the start of y

our training and money for practicing with elementary operations and your training

wage are available on the account that you have specified.

2. You call your personal manager after withdrawing the total amount.* $50 you

should take for yourself as your personal training wage

and the rest of the amount you will use for

practicing with MoneyGram and Western Union payment systems.

3. Then you go to the nearest MoneyGram location to perform an international transact

ion using

the data from the FORM1 (you will receive the necessary information from your personal


NOTE: You should pay attention to all the details of the process to be able to answe

r any question about MoneyGram and consult clients in real time.

The Receipt that you get from the MoneyGram managers has to be saved.

Then you contact your personal manager to give out the MoneyGram data for your trainin

g partner and to find out the approximate time when you are going to receive the money b

ack via

Western Union payment system. When your training partner receives your transaction an

d sends it back,

your personal manager contacts you to give you the data for receiving the money.

4.Then you go to the nearest Western Union branch to receive your partner鈥檚 transactio

n. You will use this money for t he next lesson. The receipt that you receive from

Western Union managers should be saved.

NOTE: You should pay attention to all the details of the process to be able to answe

r any question about Western Union and consult clients in real time .

5. Then yo|||call your bank NOW,change your bank account number NOW and do not EVER give this information out to anyone EVER again.You have fallen for a scam.|||try you can get paypal or points for amazon to buy things|||ALWAYS assume anyone you don't know who wants your bank account info is scamming you.|||TLDNR|||Look, I don't know if it's legit or not but if it's not, I would contact your bank and tell them. They can contact you when any transaction is being attempted.|||Yes, this is likely a scam. I checked the records on their website at and it was only created in May. That doesn't necessarily mean it is a scam, but with the other information it sure sounds like one.

Here is what you need to do.

1. Halt all further communication from them. Don't give them more info about you until this is settled.

2. Tell your bank. Depending on how much info you gave them, they might not have enough info to actually get money out of you. You may have caught them in the first steps. Tell your bank exactly what you gave them and they will know if it is enough to be dangerous. They can then place a hold on your account or whatever else is needed.

if it turns out to be a scam:

3. File a fraud report at:鈥?/a>

4. This company is hosting their webpage. You can file a scam report with them as well and they will investigate and take down the page.鈥?/a>|||It is a HUGE scam. Close your bank account if there is any money left in it immediately. Do not contact these people.

Debug this program for me. there is a error in line 418: do must have a while...?






char password[30];

void horizon_prnlin();

struct date{

int dd,mm,yy;


void moneyin();

void moneyout();

void customercare();

void changebank();

void makeaccount();

struct bank{

int e_code;

char e_name[20];

struct date dob;


void main()


int ch;

char reply;




cout%26lt;%26lt;"\nEnter your choice";

cout%26lt;%26lt;"\n\nEnter 1 for help";

cout%26lt;%26lt;"\n\nEnter 2 for making the account";

cout%26lt;%26lt;"\n\nEnter 3 for depositing money";

cout%26lt;%26lt;"\n\nEnter 4 for withdrawing the money";

cout%26lt;%26lt;"\n\nEnter 5 for transfering the account to another bank";




case 1:



case 2:



case 3:



case 4:



case 5:




cout%26lt;%26lt;"Invalid choice";



cout%26lt;%26lt;"\n\nDo you wish to continue (Enter y/Y to continue)";





void customercare()


char reply;

int ch;



cout%26lt;%26lt;"\n\n Enter your question";

cout%26lt;%26lt;"\n\n Enter 1 for knowing the fascilities provided by the bank";

cout%26lt;%26lt;"\n\n Enter 2 for loans and interest schemes";

cout%26lt;%26lt;"\n\n Enter 3 for queries about debit *** atm card";

cout%26lt;%26lt;"\n\n Enter 4 for the queries about retirement schemes of the company";

cout%26lt;%26lt;"\n\n Enter 5 for thr privacy conditions";

cout%26lt;%26lt;"\n\n Enter 6 for terimination conditions";

cout%26lt;%26lt;"\n\n Enter 7 for the publicity conditions";

cout%26lt;%26lt;"\n\n Enter 8 for the ammendments";




case 1:

cout%26lt;%26lt;"\n\n The bank provides the following fascilities :-";

cout%26lt;%26lt;"\n1. It provides cover against any untoward event or accident.";

cout%26lt;%26lt;"\n2. Wealth managment options.";

cout%26lt;%26lt;"\n3. Core banking.";

cout%26lt;%26lt;"\n4. Loans for homes, education, healthcare etc.";

cout%26lt;%26lt;"\n5. Largest ATM network all over India";

cout%26lt;%26lt;"\n6. Free Debit *** ATM card";

cout%26lt;%26lt;"\n7. Instant credit upto Rs.50,000 of outstation cheques";

cout%26lt;%26lt;"\n\n************HAVE A NICE BANKING EXPERIENCE************";


cout%26lt;%26lt;"\nEnter your choice";

cout%26lt;%26lt;"\n\nEnter 1 for help";

cout%26lt;%26lt;"\n\nEnter 2 for making the account";

cout%26lt;%26lt;"\n\nEnter 3 for depositing money";

cout%26lt;%26lt;"\n\nEnter 4 for withdrawing the money";

cout%26lt;%26lt;"\n\nEnter 5 for transfering the account to another bank";




case 1:



case 2:



case 3:



case 4:



case 5:




cout%26lt;%26lt;"Invalid choice";




case 2:

cout%26lt;%26lt;"\n\n Preferential loans and present floating schemes are as follows";


cout%26lt;%26lt;"\n Housing loans upto 5 years 3% of P.A ";

cout%26lt;%26lt;"\n 5-15 years 5% of P.A ";

cout%26lt;%26lt;"\n Automobile loans upto 3 years 5.5% of P.A";

cout%26lt;%26lt;"\n Personal loans upto 4 years 3.5% of P.A";

cout%26lt;%26lt;"\n Other loans upto 4 years 6.6% of P.A";

cout%26lt;%26lt;"\n\n************** HAVE A NICE BANKING EXPERIENCE **************";

cout%26lt;%26lt;"\n\nEnter your choice";

cout%26lt;%26lt;"\n\nEnter 1 for help";

cout%26lt;%26lt;"\n\nEnter 2 for making the account";

cout%26lt;%26lt;"\n\nEnter 3 for depositing money";

cout%26lt;%26lt;"\n\nEnter 4 for withdrawing the money";

cout%26lt;%26lt;"\n\nEnter 5 for transfering the account to another bank";




case 1:



case 2:



case 3:



case 4:



case 5:




cout%26lt;%26lt;"Invalid choice";




case 3:

cout%26lt;%26lt;"\n\nThe bank agrees to provide a free itnernational ATM-***-Debit card to all account holder";

cout%26lt;%26lt;"\n\t1.The card will be provided free of cost to acc. holders.";

cout%26lt;%26lt;"\n\t2.The debit card will be personalized.It will carry a photograph and signature of the holder";

cout%26lt;%26lt;"\n\t\tZERO LOST CARD LAIBILITY";

cout%26lt;%26lt;"\nThe holder will be protected against fraudulant use of lost/stolen/missing debit card";

cout%26lt;%26lt;"\nThe holder have to report the loss of debit card to bank @customer care(9898123456)";

cout%26lt;%26lt;"\nThe liability of card will be nill from then on.";

cout%26lt;%26lt;"\nRs.2000 will be deducted from holders account as damage repair fee.";

cout%26lt;%26lt;"********** HAVE A NICE BANKING EXPERIENCE **********";

cout%26lt;%26lt;"\nEnter your choice";

cout%26lt;%26lt;"\n\nEnter 1 for help";

cout%26lt;%26lt;"\n\nEnter 2 for making the account";

cout%26lt;%26lt;"\n\nEnter 3 for depositing money";

cout%26lt;%26lt;"\n\nEnter 4 for withdrawing the money";

cout%26lt;%26lt;"\n\nEnter 5 for transfering the account to another bank";




case 1:



case 2:



case 3:



case 4:



case 5:




cout%26lt;%26lt;"Invalid choice";




case 4:

cout%26lt;|||Line 418 is some way past the end of what Y!A will allow you to post. I suggest you post this question again with just the relevant bit copied into the question. Tell us the number of the first line you've copied, or highlight line 418 in some way.

Having said that, my guess is that the compiler means what it says. I don't know much about C++, and what I do know convinces me that I don't want to know any more, but the syntax for a do...while block is something like:





/* as many or as few statements as you need */


while (condition)

You may need a semicolon after the last ). The computer repeats the statements inside the { } until the condition becomes true. If you omit the "while (condition)" you get the error message that you're seeing. The other possibility is that you've missed out the }, or have something between } and "while" that's confusing the compiler. (Confusing a compiler isn't hard... most of them are written on the assumption that the programmer knows the syntax of the language, and they don't cope very well with missing or extra characters. If you omit a } somewhere in the middle of the program, the compiler can get all the way to the end before realising that you have more { than }. This is why, whenever I type a {, I put in the matching } before writing whatever goes between them, so that I don't forget afterwards.)

EDIT: I shouldn't post here before my second cup of coffee... do...while tells the the computer to repeat the statements *as long as* the condition is true, not until it becomes true. It differs from an ordinary while loop in that the computer will always execute the statements at least once, even if the condition is false when the loop starts, because the test is at the end of the loop, not the start. In an ordinary while loop, if the condition is false before the computer gets to the start of the loop, the statements inside the loop don't execute at all.|||Just a thought but I just ran into this problem tonight. I personally only had 27 lines of code on my page so I knew it was wrong. After a bit of research I found that the DivX add-on in IE was causing the error code. I disabled the add-on and the error went away. Something to try..

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Not sure whether I should take a gap year or not?

Yep this is a long question. Thanks to anyone who even tried to attempt to read this. If you don't want to, I've summed up the problem in a much shorter version at the bottom.

I've applied for Anglia Ruskin University,the Cambridge campus, this year to study Wildlife Biology. I live in London and I'm 53 miles away so I think moving out is vital. But this year has had so many problems and I'm not sure what to do.

I liked the Uni. Cambridge had a nice vibe when I visited and the campus seemed very friendly. I talked to the lecturers and I was really interested in the subject and the job prospects since there are many conservation companies in Cambridge which Anglia has links to. But all these other problems are coming to mind

First off, college has been stressing because of A-levels,girls etc.

I was not doing well in A-levels and was on the verge of being withdrawn. I've been withdrawn from Chemistry but I worked hard at Biology. So far, I'm doing 2 A-levels.Biology and Maths.

Also with girls. I liked this girl for quite a long time(over a year) and I thought she liked me too but it turned out she didn't like me because she talked about this other boy she liked and just seemed to show she liked me as a friend. Long story. Right now, we haven't talked for a month because of not seeing each other and exams but its made me upset.

I want to do Wildlife Biology at Anglia Ruskin University and I need 240 UCAS points. At first, I was unsure about it because my dad kept shouting at me for picking that instead of something like Law,Medicine etc but I followed my heart. Also, he verbally abused me so it hurt. Because my teacher withdrew me from Chemistry, I spoke to the Uni and they said they may allow me if I get 2 B's on my two A-levels(200 UCAS points), my D grade AS Chemistry(30 ucas points) and my Further Maths E grade (20 ucas points), totaling 250 UCAS points. Getting the B's seem very hard right now.

The bit that's stressing me right now is applying for accommodation and student finance. I still haven't completed that yet and the deadline is 31st May. I can't do it now because I can't remember my dad's reference number. I haven't told my dad because I'm scared that he won't approve because of my course. So I'll have to call student finance tomorrow morning about his reference number. With accommodation, Anglia Ruskin's accommodation is full and now they only have 150 rooms left with another agency(not the Uni). I found this out now and its stressed me out a lot. Plus, I have to pay a £300 deposit which I can't and I can't tell my dad or he is going to shout at me for the course I picked. Now, I'm thinking of taking a gap year.

Two things thats making me prevent taking a gap year:

1) Anglia Ruskin is increasing their tuition fee to £8300 a year

2) My dad shouted at me very angrily when I suggested taking a gap year

But if I took a gap year, I can think things through clearly,raise enough money with a job or savings and feel much less stressed. However, my course is being discontinued after this year but there are courses with very similar modules so it shouldn't be too much of a problem.

But I don't know what to do now. Should I take a gap year or should I try sorting things out now and see how it goes? I can't afford the deposit so I doubt I can get accommodation in the Cambridge campus. I could ask dad but he would shout at me and put me down for picking the course. I know he would.

Thanks so much for reading this long essay. I really appreciate you taking the time to read. :)|||Hi Mirza, I'm pleased you applied for Anglia Ruskin University,the Cambridge campus, to study Wildlife Biology. I think it best that you forego having a gap year and make the most of these early years, when learning is easiest, to continue your studies. I will get back to you with the reasons after I have studied your long document. Good luck. 'God bless. Gladgran.

I am saddened that you were “withdrawn from Chemistry” particularly because my daughter was not allowed to take that subject at school (because of being a girl perhaps?) but completed the work and took GCSE after only two terms at Sixth Form College. “The bit that's stressing me right now is applying for accommodation and student finance. I still haven't completed that yet and the deadline is 31st May”. Even though you have missed the deadline that need not be a problem as long as you get your skates on! I suggest that you speak to your dad, who has your own best interests at heart. Obviously, he is concerned that you are chosing a subject that is limiting your career possibilities. You are a big boy now but you still need his support. If he shouts at you, try to see things from his point of view, tell him how much you appreciate all he has done for you, stay calm, speak quietly but firmly, and do not walk away. Choosing to take a gap year is not wise. Good luck. 'God bless. Gladgran.|||Good luck. 'God bless. Gladgran.

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Not sure whether I should take a gap year or not?

Yep this is a long question. Thanks to anyone who even tried to attempt to read this.

I've applied for Anglia Ruskin University,the Cambridge campus, this year to study Wildlife Biology. I live in London and I'm 53 miles away so I think moving out is vital. But this year has had so many problems and I'm not sure what to do.

I liked the Uni. Cambridge had a nice vibe when I visited and the campus seemed very friendly. I talked to the lecturers and I was really interested in the subject and the job prospects since there are many conservation companies in Cambridge which Anglia has links to. But all these other problems are coming to mind

First off, college has been stressing because of A-levels,girls etc.

I was not doing well in A-levels and was on the verge of being withdrawn. I've been withdrawn from Chemistry but I worked hard at Biology. So far, I'm doing 2 A-levels.Biology and Maths.

Also with girls. I liked this girl for quite a long time(over a year) and I thought she liked me too but it turned out she didn't like me because she talked about this other boy she liked and just seemed to show she liked me as a friend. Long story. Right now, we haven't talked for a month because of not seeing each other and exams but its made me upset.

I want to do Wildlife Biology at Anglia Ruskin University and I need 240 UCAS points. At first, I was unsure about it because my dad kept shouting at me for picking that instead of something like Law,Medicine etc but I followed my heart. Also, he verbally abused me so it hurt. Because my teacher withdrew me from Chemistry, I spoke to the Uni and they said they may allow me if I get 2 B's on my two A-levels(200 UCAS points), my D grade AS Chemistry(30 ucas points) and my Further Maths E grade (20 ucas points), totaling 250 UCAS points. Getting the B's seem very hard right now.

The bit that's stressing me right now is applying for accommodation and student finance. I still haven't completed that yet and the deadline is 31st May. I can't do it now because I can't remember my dad's reference number. I haven't told my dad because I'm scared that he won't approve because of my course. So I'll have to call student finance tomorrow morning about his reference number. With accommodation, Anglia Ruskin's accommodation is full and now they only have 150 rooms left with another agency(not the Uni). I found this out now and its stressed me out a lot. Plus, I have to pay a £300 deposit which I can't and I can't tell my dad or he is going to shout at me for the course I picked. Now, I'm thinking of taking a gap year.

Two things thats making me prevent taking a gap year:

1) Anglia Ruskin is increasing their tuition fee to £8300 a year

2) My dad shouted at me very angrily when I suggested taking a gap year

But if I took a gap year, I can think things through clearly,raise enough money with a job or savings and feel much less stressed. However, my course is being discontinued after this year but there are courses with very similar modules so it shouldn't be too much of a problem.

But I don't know what to do now. Should I take a gap year or should I try sorting things out now and see how it goes? I can't afford the deposit so I doubt I can get accommodation in the Cambridge campus. I could ask dad but he would shout at me and put me down for picking the course. I know he would.

Thanks so much for reading this long essay. I really appreciate you taking the time to read. :)|||Hi Mirza, I'm pleased you applied for Anglia Ruskin University,the Cambridge campus, to study Wildlife Biology. I think it best that you forego having a gap year and make the most of these early years, when learning is easiest, to continue your studies. I will get back to you with the reasons after I have studied your long document.

I am saddened that you were “withdrawn from Chemistry” particularly because my daughter was not allowed to take that subject at school (because of being a girl perhaps?) but completed the work and took GCSE after only two terms at Sixth Form College. “The bit that's stressing me right now is applying for accommodation and student finance. I still haven't completed that yet and the deadline is 31st May”. Even though you have missed the deadline that need not be a problem as long as you get your skates on! I suggest that you speak to your dad, who has your own best interests at heart. Obviously, he is concerned that you are chosing a subject that is limiting your career possibilities. You are a big boy now but you still need his support. If he shouts at you, try to see things from his point of view, tell him how much you appreciate all he has done for you, stay calm, speak quietly but firmly, and do not walk away. Taking a gap year is not wise. Good luck. 'God bless. Gladgran.|||woa now now, i think thats a really hard position to put myself in but i'lll try my best *deep breath*

i would DEFINETLY take a gap year cause i mean you have your whole life (its your own life - not your dads) to go to school and take care of your "bidness." if you take a gap year you can have a great time and have FUN and not worry about school. you can raise money and you can think about what you really want without the pressure of other people. it would be so much easier on yourself and healthier too because if you have too much stress its well unhealthy lol

a gap year would help you think and breath and it would make your life a hell'a lot easier

i dont really get your deal with grades and stuff cause i'm from the US and i don't really know the UK system but if your not doing as well as you want then i guess you can find some other place that better suits you? or just try as hard as you can lol

but i would definetly take the gap year!! good luck(: and try not to let your dad bring you down haha

i hate to do this but... answer mine? :) one long question asker to another? lol;…

Algebra Help?

Yep, this is homework if you ask.

5. Which of the following represents the statement: "Seven less than one-third of n is equal to seven more than 3 times m?"

(A) 1/3n + 7 = 3m - 7

(B) 3n + 7 = 1/3 m - 7

(C) n = 9m + 28

(D) 3n - 7 = 1/3m + 7

(E) 1/3n = 3m - 14

17. What is the value of "2z^2 - 2/z^2" if "2z - 2/z = 4"?

14. Becky opened a savings account that earns a fraction x of its balance in interest every year. Three years ago Becky deposited $800 into the account, and has not deposited or withdrawn any money since. If she has earned $126.10 in interest, what is the value of x?

5. The choices don't seem to have the answer, so please help me prove or disprove my guess.

17. This packet was suppose to resemble the SAT, and it's a fill-in question, but I got an answer with a square root. Can I put a square root as my answer? If you didn't get a square root please tell me the answer.

14. Supposed to be multiple choice, but none of the answers...|||the answer to number 5 is 1/3n-7=7+3m. it doesnt match ur answers but i kno its right!|||Last time I checked school was still OUT !!!! but the answer is E.5346841

Friendship at stake! Please Help!!!?

I messed up everything!!

Okay.. so my friend got an invitation from one of the girls in collage to watch Transformers 3. He didn't want to go. So i told him come with me and I'll pay for your ticket. He said okay. I've already watched transformers once and wanted to go for the second time. So we went and it was houseful. He was also interested in watching this movie Delhi Belly (Indian movie). I didn't want to watch it. then he said, okay. I will watch delhi belly with you and transformers with her. I refused but we later watched the movie. When it was over I told him that I get 1080 rupees from him. I already lent him 1000 rupees to him which he needed when he would be in home. We are room mates and classmates. M y exam was over 2 weeks before but I waited for him to go home together. of course we were in dorms and away from home. So i practically waited 14 days for him. Then he asked me :do I have to pay for the ticket?" H I replied yes! He replied "but you said you will pay for it!" I replied i said I would pay for Transformers. He said but the ticket is same. I replied but I wanted to watch Transformers 3 and invited you caue I didn't want to watch alone. He got angry at that and walked away with great speed. I stopped him and said okay I will pay for it. I only get 1000 from you now. He replied no need of that. I don't need your money. He went to an ATM and withdrew 1100 rupees and paid me. He only had 1300. I refused to take it cause he needed it more than I did. He cane to dorms and threw it in my bed. on the way, I told him, it's okay. It's just such a small thing and you don't need to get angry about it. he didn't listen a thing. I felt really bad about it. It was just a misunderstanding. He was thinking I would pay and I was thinking he would pay. Mahn.. It's really ****** up. Later in the night I tried talking to him but he wouldn't sit anywhere near me. He said he wanted to be alone. I said I am sorry but no!!! Later in the night, I heard him crying and rubbing his nose!!! I got up and told him sorry again and that It was just a misunderstanding. We have a double bed and the whole night, he wouldn't even face me. we wasn't even talking to me this morning. Not a word. I asked him many questions and he wouldn't say a thing!!! now what am I supposed to do? Please help me guys.. He was weeping and I felt really cause I was the reason for his tears. I never meant to hurt him! Should I deposit the money back in his account? the 1100 rupees?? I know his account number. what if he gets even more angry at that?? I really don't want to loose him! There were many cases where he hurt me and I forgave him. Many times. And the level to which I was hurt, this is nothing compared to what he did to me. yet I am with him. what should I do? and please! No, we are not gay! I mean.. okay, I am gay but I don't love him. We are just good friends. I am in love with someone else. He is straight so don't think about it. There was a time when he forsook me once and took another guy with him to plan a birthday surprise for someone where as I was the one who always waited for him!! In EVERYTHING. That night i bet he didn't see my tears in my eyes, cause he was too blind with other friends to notice me. I totaly tried to hate him and abandon him but I just couldn't. I just couldn't do what he did to me. and I am in a situation like this again!! ... WHAT SHOULD I DO???????????|||Wow ok, I'd say take the risk, and put it back in his account...maybe write a letter explaining everything, and ask him for forgiveness again...or wait it out a few days, so he can calm. If he really appreciates the friendship that he had with you, then he will ultimately forgive you, if not then try to move on. Hope this helps, and sorry for what happened.

My cash keeps disappearing no matter where I put them. I always lose 500 or 1000 per salary day.?

I feel that I have to write this somehow to keep tabs. I admit to being disorganized at the very least but, I am not oblivious of how I spend especially after a string of mysterious disappearance of hard-earned money.

Third-last quarter 2010 was the start of it:

I withdrew P10,000 from an ATM when I was about to go home. I admit to not counting it. When I got home, I only had P9,000 in my wallet. I recounted what I did from withdrawing to getting home- I didn’t spend any of the money I withdrew. I only spent for transportation using the money I had prior to withdrawing. I called up the bank the next day to report a short-cash dispense. After investigation, they claimed there was no short-cash dispense that day.

The next salary day, I had some bills in my wallet when I got home. The new made was introduced to me. I put the wallet on a “escaparate” but took it after about three or so minutes. When I checked it, I found out I was missing P500. I wondered if the new maid had taken it. But who would be so bold to steal money with my folks around and in your very first hour of working in a new household? I could not figure out what happened to my P500.

The next salary day, I withdrew P10,000; gave half to my mom; put P2,000 in my wallet and stashed the remaining P3,000 in the pages of my college thesis- an unlikely repository. By the end of the week, I opened up my thesis to the pages where the money was and only to be surprised that it was just P2,000. I could recall spending the money on anything.

The salary day next to that there was nothing unusual.

The salary day next to that I stashed away some amount; this time I “hid” the cash inside my DVD case inside my drawer. By the end of the week, I opened up the case confident I had enough to cover me until the next payday. I was dismayed to find out I was missing another P1,000. I wondered if I spent it on something and

I thought I just had to track my spending and the mysterious disappearance of money wouldn’t happen again. I was thinking I was probably spending the money without knowing it- although I seriously doubted. But the disappearance repeated. Usually I would lose either P1,000 or P500.

And then for a time I had some ‘relief’ from the mysterious ‘thief.’ For about 4 months, my money was intact and all accounted for.

Then came December, then January. By January, I had sufficient amount of money because of the Thirteenth month pay. By that time I had opened up a bank account with Banco de Oro because I wanted to save. The rest of the money that I did not deposit was stashed away in my drawer. Inside a container that was unlikely to contain any money. As you could already guess, I lost some of the money- P4,00! It was like my ‘tax’ for the four months I did not lose money. My resolution was to deposit money right away to my Banco de Oro account. But on February 6, my sister was not able to deposit the money because she was busy and she had to give it to me. And of course you know what happened- I lost P2,000! It was like my ‘tax’ for January and February.

Oh just this January, I lost P1,000 from my wallet (tax for thirteen month?). I wondered whether that’s the money I paid the bus conductor. But I remember giving him the exact amount.

The last money I lost was on February 21. It was P500. It just disappeared from my wallet. The wallet which was with me in the room. In my room that is always locked.

The weird thing about this is that no matter where I put my money, I always lose either P1,000 or P500. It’s interesting to mention that again, my room is always locked. Also, in the instances I lost the money in my wallet, the wallet was with me- mostly in my pocket. I’ll tell you something weirder- this happens to my sister too. In her wallet, in her locked drawer and in her room she would loose either P1,000 or P500.|||i agree with both of the first 2 answers someone is stealing from you and dont withdraw cash anymore, at least not that much. get a debit card and have your bills paid by direct debit. if you have to give money to your mum you can have it directly transferred to her account. just avoid carrying cash with you as much as you can and see if that helps.|||somebody is stealing your money mate|||So is this a question about a money steeling myth or just some ones ramblings?|||The best thing to do would be not withdraw all if it.get a debit card|||ha ha lost all your money XD

Accounting for pensions?

I have tried countless times and can't figure out this homework problem for my financial accounting class. Anyone help on doing this right would be greatly appreciated!

Under the NBA deferred compensation plan, payments made at the end of each year accumulate up to retirement and then retirees are given two options. Option 1 allows the retiree to select the amount of the annual payment to be received and option 2 allows the retiree to specify over how many years payments are to be received. Assume Rodman has had $6,000 deposited at the end of each year for 30 years, and that the long-term interest rate has been 8%.


a. How much has accumulated in Rodman's deferred compensation account?

b. How much will Rodman be able to withdraw at the beginning of each year if he elects to receive payments for fifteen years?

c. How many years will Rodman be able to receive payments if he chooses to receive $65,000 per year at the beginning of each year?|||You can solve these using the Future Value, PMT, and NPER functions in Excel, or using a financial calculator like the HP12C, or the Future Value of an Annuity tables in your book. The answers come out the same, regardless of the method you use. See answers below:

a. How much has accumulated in Rodman's deferred compensation account?

To solve, calculate the Future Value (of an annuity) using these criteria:

Payments = -$6,000

Rate = 8%

Number of Periods = 30

Future Value = $679,699.27

b. How much will Rodman be able to withdraw at the beginning of each year if he elects to receive payments for fifteen years?

Calculate Payment using these criteria:

Number of Periods = 15

Rate = 8%

Present Value = -$679,699.27

Type = 1 (in Excel this signifies that the payment is to be received at the beginning of the year)

Annual Payments = $73,526.81

c. How many years will Rodman be able to receive payments if he chooses to receive $65,000 per year at the beginning of each year?

Calculate Number of Periods using these criteria:

Rate = 8%

Present Value = -$679,699.27

Annual Payment = $65,000

Type = 1 (in Excel this signifies that the payment is to be received at the beginning of the year)

Number of Periods = 19.358

Help Please?

When Molly was born, her father deposited $2,000 in her name at a bank. At the time that the bank was paying 6% interest compounded semiannually. After 10 years the bank changed to an interest of 6% compounded quarterly. How much had the $2,000 amounted after 18 years when the money is withdrawn for Molly to use to pay for her college expenses?|||2000*[(6%/2)+1]^(2*10)*[(6%/4)+1]^[(18-1鈥?br>

since everything's compounded, just multiply it all.|||This one isn't too hard. It's a two part question so split it up into the first balance which compounds semiannualy and then take the first balance and compound it at a quarterly rate.

For the first period, year 1 through year 10 the equation is like this:

First Balance = $2000*(1+0.06/2)^20

the second half starts at the end of year 10 and goes through the end of year 18 which is a total of 8 years:

Final Balance = First Balance * (1+0.06/4)^32

Easy!!! Good Luck!~!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Anyone else think it's ridiculous that a minor can get a job and not a savings account?

I'm 17 and have a job. In about 6 months, I'll be heading off to college 1000 miles away from home, so I want to save up some $$ for when I'm in college (not for tuition and stuff, but just for everyday living expenses). I wanted to get an online savings acct for three reasons: A. More distance between me and the account means I'll be less tempted to withdraw $$ from it and B. They're high yield, so I'll get more interest than I get with the 0.01% APY rate from my current local credit union and C. My checking is connected with my savings, so whenever my minimum wage paycheck ($150 per pay period) goes into my savings and I go get $40 worth of gas, as soon as that level in my checking hits $15 (the safety limit set by my credit union), overdraft protection immediately kicks in and puts $100 into my checking, incurring me a $2 fee for the OP and toward the end of the month a couple of $10 charges for withdrawing from my savings too many times in the monthly statement period. (This costs me on average $45-$50 a month; roughly 17% of my total monthly wages.) So I could save some money, I wanted to open up a high yield MMA from Ally and put $50 per paycheck in, since overdraft protection from my bank won't kick in if less than $100 is in the savings (I try to split my paychecks 50/50 between checking and savings when my paychecks get deposited. So if I was putting $50 in the Ally MMA, then that would leave $100 to split between my checking and savings). However, to open up an Ally MMA, I have to be 18 or open the acct up as a custodial account. I have one of these with ING, but I can't use it myself since it had to be hooked up to my mom's checking account, to which I have no access. I keep asking her to take $50 a month from my account, but she's so busy she always forgets.

I guess after this sort of "rant," isn't it kind of ridiculous that I can earn money myself but not manage it? If you can get a job by yourself at 16, you should be able to get a bank account at 16 too. (I'm talking a savings account here; not even a checking account or a loan/line of credit.)|||It sounds like your best bet might be to look into opening an account at a different bank. I am a bank manager and I have made exceptions for teenagers in the past to open up accounts on their own when they do have similar situations where they are independent and interested in managing their own finances responsibly.|||I do work for a national bank, but I can't disclose which one. It is one of the ones you have listed. Speak directly with a banker and ask them if it is something their manager can make an exception for. If it is not, try the next one. It really is a branch discretion in most cases.

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|||Nope. I have no problem with a banking system requiring a minor to have a parent involved with banking operations until they are of age.|||You must be using the wrong banks. I know several teens (15/16) with their own bank account.

However, you are talking about a specialized account and restrictions should be expected|||just get your parents to be custodian and then when you turn 18, get your own adult acct

this law has been in effects since at least the 1960's when I was a kid

"More distance between me and the account means I'll be less tempted to withdraw $$ from it "

how does "distance" mean anything with an online acct?

bank fees affect everyone of any age|||It's not ridiculous and you CAN have a bank account - you just need a parent as account custodian. Why? Because you are not yet a legal adult.

Accounting I need SOME help PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!?

Unadjusted Trial Balance

November 30, 2011

Debits Credits

Cash $51,610

Office supplies 450

Moving supplies 8,700

Prepaid insurance 7,475

Trucks 350,000

Accumulated depreciation, trucks $200,000

Building 185,000

Accumulated depreciation, building 29,120

Accounts payable 2,350

Interest payable -0-

Wages payable -0-

Unearned storage fees 700

Long-term notes payable 245,000

Mason Kidd, capital 42,205

Mason Kidd, withdrawals 26,500

Moving fees earned 179,600

Storage fees earned 26,750

Depreciation expense, building -0-

Depreciation expense, trucks -0-

Wages expense 41,700

Interest expense -0-

Insurance expense -0-

Office supplies expense -0-

Moving supplies expense -0-

Advertising expense 5,900

Gas, oil, and repairs expense 31,510

General and administrative expenses 16,880

Income summary _______ ____-0-

$725,725 $725,725

The following transactions occurred during the month of December, 2011:


2 Received $180 as advance payments on storage rental.

5 Paid accounts payable if $720

6 Paid insurance premiums of $8,100 in advance.

7 Deposited $8,700 of moving fee receipts.

10 Purchased $1,560 of moving supplies on credit.

12 Acquired additional truck worth $56,000 by paying $6,000 cash and giving a lon-term note payable for the balance.

14 Paid wages of $2,700 for the period December 1-14.

17 Purchased $140 of office supplies on credit.

21 Deposited $6,260 from moving fees receipts and $1,600 from storage fee receipts.

24 Paid $860 for repairs to truck for damage sustained in an accident.

28 Paid wages of $2,850 for the period December 15-28.

30 Paid $900 to a magazine for advertisements that appeared in December.

31 Deposited $4,700 from moving fee receipts and $800 from storage fee receipts.


1. Journalize and post to the general ledger accounts the December transactions previously listed.

2. Prepare an unadjusted trial Balance. (Check figure below.)

3. Journalize adjusting entries for the following items and post them to the general ledger accounts:

a. Unpaid wages were $610 as of December 31.

b. The December 31 office supplies inventory was $180.

c. The moving supplies inventory was $4,530 on December 31.

d. The unexpired portion of the prepaid insurance was $9,475 as of December 31.

e. Depreciation for the year on the trucks was $50,350.

f. Depreciation for the year on the building was $7,400.

g. Unearned storage fees balance at December 31 was $650.

h. Kidd had withdrawn $1,600 cash on December 30, but he had not taken the time to record it.

i. Interest expense on the notes payable for 2011 was $24,700.

4. Prepare an adjusted trial balance. (Check figure below.)

5. Prepare an income statement and a statement of changes in owner鈥檚 equity for the year ended December 31, 2011, and a December 31, 2011, classified balance sheet. (Check figure below.)

6. Journalize and post the closing entries to the general ledger accounts.

7. Prepare a post-closing trial balance. (Check figure below.)


Record Transactions, Adjusting Entries, Closing Entries in this journal


Record Transactions, Adjusting Entries, Closing Entries in this journal


Unearned Storage fees debit-180

Storage fees earned credit-180

12/5 Account payable DB -720

Cash CR-720

12/6 Prepaid-insurance DB-8,100

Cash CR 8,100

12/7 Cash DB-8,700

Moving fees earned CR 8,700

12/10 Moving Supplies DB 1,560

Account Payable CR 1,560

12/12 Truck DB -56,000

Cash CR-6,000

Long term Note Payable CR-50,000

14/12 Wages Expense DB-2,700

Cash CR-2,700

12/17 Office Supplies DB-140

Account Payable CR-140

12/21 Cash DB-7,820

Moving fees earned CR-6,260

Storage fee earned CR-1,600

12/24 Repair Expense DB-860

Cash CR-860

28/12 Wages Expense DB-2,850

Wages payable CR-2,850

12/30 Advertisement Expense DB-900

Cash CR-900

12/31 Cash DB-5,500

Service Revenue CR-5,500

a Wages Expense DB 610

Wages Payable CR 610

B Office Supplies expense DB 410

Offices Supplies CR 410

C Moving supplies expense DB 5670

Moving supplies CR 5670

D Cash DB 6,100

Prepaid Insurance CR- 6,100

E Depreciation expense-truck DB-50,350

Accumulated Depreciation-truck CR-50,350

F Depreciation expense-Building DB-7,400

Accumulated Depreciation-Building CR-7,400

G Store fees earned DB-130

Unearned storage fees CR-130

H No record

I Interest expense DB- 24,700

Interest Payable CR-24,700

Kidd Gloves Moving and Storage

MY QUESTION THE ANUDJ. TRIAL BALANCE IS $798,945, BUT I GOT $804,315. WHAT I AM DOING WRONG|||These are some mistakes I found on your adjustments. When I ran the numbers, the trial balance before adjustments (a - i) does come out to 798,945.

2 Received $180 as advance payments on storage rental.

Dr Cash 180

Cr Unearned Storage Fees 180

21 Deposited $6,260 from moving fees receipts and $1,600 from storage fee receipts.

Dr Cash 7,860

Cr Moving Fees Earned 6,260

Cr Storage Fees Earned 1,600

31 Deposited $4,700 from moving fee receipts and $800 from storage fee receipts.

Dr Cash 5,500

Cr Moving Fees Earned 4,700

Cr Storage Fees Earned 800

c. The moving supplies inventory was $4,530 on December 31.

Dr Moving Supplies Expense 5,730

Cr Moving Suplies 5,730

d. The unexpired portion of the prepaid insurance was $9,475 as of December 31.

Dr Insurance Expense 6,100

Cr Prepaid Insurance 6,100

g. Unearned storage fees balance at December 31 was $650.

Dr Unearned Storage Fees 230

Cr Storage Fees Earned 230

h. Kidd had withdrawn $1,600 cash on December 30, but he had not taken the time to record it.

Dr Mason Kidd, Withdrawals 1,600

Cr Cash 1,600

Is it normal for a bank teller to ask you out?

I'm a new client at a bank I visited yesterday (it was only my second ever visit to said bank) and I deposited, and withdrew inside the bank itself, and the teller asks me how I'm doing, how my daughter's doing and I answered him 'cause I just passed it off as smalltalk and didn't give it a second thought. I told him then that, since last time I was there to open an account that they recommended a minimum balance of $75 that it wouldn't be a problem soon because I was getting a FAFSA check back from the College I go to (my last bank was always asking about things like that so I figured I'd just clear it up right then and there just in case), and he asked which college I went to so I told him and mentioned 'cause most people ask that it was just down the street from me and he said something about his own traveling which I still passed off as smalltalk and then he says "Oh well, would you ever be interested in maybe getting a drink at Jamba Juice? I mean, if you'd ever consider it." And I just... was dumbfounded and didn't respond right away 'cause I didn't know how to, but then he grabs one of his cards and starts writing a number down and says "Here, I'll give you my cell phone number so you can call me if you'd ever consider it." I walked out laughing 'cause it was so rediculous but a moment later I realized I felt very uncomfortable with it and like I didn't really want to have to go back to the bank anymore. I called the bank itself to speak with a manager who was going to be in some time in the afternoon (it's 1:00 pm now) but no one has called back. I fear because they think it's too insane to pursue.

But is this kind of thing normal? :/ I ask because one the manager hasn't called me back, and two because I want to make sure I'm not jumping the gun or anything by speaking with said manager.|||It is unacceptable for someone who is on the clock and supposed to be serving you to ask you on a date. The manager probably just hasn't had the opportunity to call you back yet. They take this kind of thing seriously for the very reason you stated: A customer can become uncomfortable and then they lose business.|||Don't call his manager and embarrass him like that. He probably doesn't do that with every woman that comes in there. You should look at it as a complement he would put his job on the line to go out with you. And if you still don't like it, then just avoid using him as your teller, problem solved. And try using the ATM or something so you don't have to go in their again.|||thats the problem with this country, every bodies so afraid of one another, like omg somebody asked me out while they were working..but thats, thats insanity (gosh). This guys was just saw a pretty girl and asked her out on a date case closed, there is no reason to ruin his life over it

Is this job offer a scam?

I am just wondering if this is a scam. Thanks. Sorry if I put this in the wrong category, since I am not too sure which category this question could go under.

Dear Sir/Ma

The United Nations Children's Fund (or UNICEF) was created by the United Nations General Assembly on December 11, 1946, to provide emergency food and health care to children in countries that had been devastated by World War II. In 1953, UNICEF became a permanent part of the United Nations System and its name was shortened from the original United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund but it has continued to be known by the popular acronym based on this old name. Headquartered in New York City, UNICEF provides long-term humanitarian and developmental assistance to children and mothers in developing countries.

We are using this oppurtunity to inform the general public about our new part time work from home job offers to the general public from different part of the world. Currently we have been having amazing response and increase in number of donations from companies,government, kind hearted individuals and private organizations.Our staff is a diverse group of highly capable and committed individuals who bring a wide range of professional experiences, both nonprofit and for-profit, to bear on our mission. We are an equal opportunity organization and our core values—Trust, Respect, Accountability, Innovation, Teamwork and Service—guide us in how we carry out this mission each day. Our donors makes their donations through Money order, Checks, Bank Transfer and Credit card transfer. Currently, there has been amazing increase in donations by Check from companies and organizations, this is why we have come into conclusion to recruite more members of the general public for this part time job offer as our donation collectors.

*******ABOUT THE JOB*******

* This Job offer is available for any individual from 18years and above.

* This is a stress free job offer and it would not disturb your current job.

* Once you receive any Money order or Check payment from our donors,

10% of any amount written on the check goes to you. That means, if you

receive a Check of $2,500 is any of our donors, $250 is yours

* When you receive a check or moneyorder from our donors, you are to

take it to your bank and deposit it the check into your account which will

clear into your account over the night . You will then go back to your bank the

following day to withdraw the funds and send to us with the information that will

be giving to you when you receive the check or moneyorder.


You are to provide us with the below details for review to qualify for the Job.

* Your full name

* Your home addresss

* Your direct phone number

* Educational Qualification



*Marital Status

You are to attach any of the following as your ID

* Your international passport

* Your Driver's license

* Your work id card

* Your passport photograph.

Attached to this mail is the job application form which you are to download, fill out and scanned back to us

Yours Sincerely

Mr Charles Collins

UNICEF Job Recruiting Agent|||It is definitely a scam.

Once you receive any Money order or Check payment from our donors,

10% of any amount written on the check goes to you. That means, if you

receive a Check of $2,500 is any of our donors, $250 is yours

* When you receive a check or moneyorder from our donors, you are to

take it to your bank and deposit it the check into your account which will

clear into your account over the night . You will then go back to your bank the

following day to withdraw the funds and send to us with the information that will

be giving to you when you receive the check or moneyorder.

The Money Orders and checks will be counterfeit. They will ask you to wire the money to them. In a month the checks will bounce and you lose all the money that was wired.

Why in the world would they need you to deposit checks for them?

ʎəɿʞɹɐq  ̊ ͜͡● ̊

Is this person for reals?

You're invited to: Hello,

By your host: Alice Kipkalya

Date: Saturday October 10, 2009

Time: 1:45 pm - 2:45 pm (GMT +00:00)

Street: Dearest ,I am writing this mail to you with tears and sorrow from my heart.With due respect trust and humanity, i appeal to you to exercise a little patience and read through my letter i feel quite safe dealing with you in this important business having gone through your remarkable profile, honestly i am writing this email to you with pains, tears and sorrow from my heart, i will really like to have a good relationship with you and i have a special reason why i decided to contact you, i decided to contact you due to the urgency of my situation,My name is Miss. Alice Kipkalya Kones, 23yrs old female and I held from Kenya in West Africa. My father was the former Kenyan road Minister. He and Assistant Minister of Home Affairs Lorna Laboso had been on board the Cessna 210, which was headed to Kericho and crashed in a remote area called Kajong'a, in western Kenya. The plane crashed on the Tuesday 10th, June,2008. You can read more about the crash through thebelow site:鈥?/a> After the burial of my father, my stepmother and uncle conspired and sold my father's property to an italian Expertrate which the shared the money among themselves and live nothing for me. One faithful morning, I opened my father's briefcase and found out the documents which he have deposited huge amount of money in one bank in Burkina Faso with my name as the next of kin. I travelled to Burkina Faso to withdraw the money for a better life so that I can take care of myself and start a new life, on my arrival, the Bank Director whom I met in person told me that my father's instuction to the bank is that the money would only be release to me when I am married or present a trustee who will help me and invest the money overseas. I am in search of an honest and reliable person who will help me and stand as my trustee so that I will present him to the Bank for transfer of the money to his bank account overseas. I have chosen to contact you after my prayers and I believe that you will not betray my trust. But rather take me as your own sister. Though you may wonder why I am so soon revealing myself to you without knowing you, well I will say that my mind convinc ed me that you may be the true person to help me. Moreso, I will like to disclose much to you if you can help me to relocate to your country because my stepmother have threaten to assinate me. The amount is( $9.4 USD )Million United State Dollars, and I have confirmed from the bank in Burkina Faso on my arrival, You will also help me to place the money in a more profitable business venture in your Country. However, you will help by recommending a nice University in your country so that I can complete my studies. It is my intention to compensate you with 40% of the total money for your services and the balance shall be my capital in your establishment. As soon as I receive your positive response showing your interest I will put things into action immediately. In the light of the above, I shall appreciate an urgent message indicating your ability and willingness to handle this transaction sincerely. Awaiting your urgent and positive response. Please do keep this only to your self for now untill the bank will transfer the fund. I beg you not to disclose it till i come over because I am affraid of my weaked stepmother who has threatened to kill me and have the money alone ,I thank God Today that am out from my country (KENYA) but now In (Burkina Faso) where my father deposited these money with my name as the next of Kin.I have the documents for the claims. Yours Sincerely Alice Kipkalya Kones.|||Definitely a scam; it's been around for years. Check out for some of the variations on this.|||Holy crap, you're rich. What are you waiting for, send the money immediately.|||ask yourself, Would a complete stranger ever really Email you wanting to give you some crazy amount of cash?

No, Never

It's a scam|||No.|||TOTAL SCAM. DUH.|||Stay from this monster . First its not even a woman its a man and yes its a SCAM|||Money Scams :0|||BULL SHAT!!!!!!!!!

Its a SCAM.

This was just has a mr rogers happy ending, that they want you to fall for|||Don't marry her! She's an UGLY *********!!!|||Is this person for real?

Hmmm...Well, they may have had success with this in the past, so that may be why they're still trying.

The best way to diffuse the situation is to put these kind of emails in spam and never read them and/or click on any links associated with them. If you do click on them, there is a possibility of the email infecting your computer with a virus.|||Am from Kenya, i never heard this kind of story.

girl why don't you tell this story to the Kibaki's govt or send letter to "Obama" ?

This is interesting story and long.

keep sending and looking better person.

Might God help you and give you someone who help you.

young girl will you give money or reward the person who help you?

if yep hw much? how?|||Come on, this scam was around the internet for years now.

In fact, a friend of mine managed to counter-scam the senders and got some of their money (not much though, only a couple of hundreds).

Personal Fiance homework word bank questions?

Abbreviation of annual percentage rate, the interest rate applied annually to a loan or a credit card balance.

Abbreviation of annual percentage yield, the rate of return earned in the course of one whole year, taking compounding into account, expressed as a percentage.

Cash and other liquid assets such as demand deposits or treasury bills that an individual possesses.

An expense that does not vary from one time period to the next.

To obtain a new loan for something on different terms, often involving the paying off of an existing high-interest loan by means of a new lower-interest one.

Money set aside for future use.

To take money out of an account.

To plan the allocation, expenditure, or use of money.

The amount of money spent on food, clothing, accommodation, and other basic necessities.

The amount of money that is anticipated to be received over a period of time, either as payment for work, goods, or services, or as profit on capital.



Cost of living


Fixed costs

Cash reserves


Income Potential




Anything will help! Thanks!|||Abbreviation of annual percentage rate, the interest rate applied annually to a loan or a credit card balance. (APR)

Abbreviation of annual percentage yield, the rate of return earned in the course of one whole year, taking compounding into account, expressed as a percentage. (APY)

Cash and other liquid assets such as demand deposits or treasury bills that an individual possesses. (Cash reserves)

An expense that does not vary from one time period to the next. (Fixed Cost)

To obtain a new loan for something on different terms, often involving the paying off of an existing high-interest loan by means of a new lower-interest one. (Refinancing)

Money set aside for future use. (Savings)

To take money out of an account. (Withdraw)

To plan the allocation, expenditure, or use of money. (Income Potential)***

The amount of money spent on food, clothing, accommodation, and other basic necessities. (Cost of Living)

The amount of money that is anticipated to be received over a period of time, either as payment for work, goods, or services, or as profit on capital. (Budget)***

I hope this helps. I'm not sure on a couple of them (***), but I think most of them are right.

Looking for a little info on RRSPs or other retirement savings?

I'm 19, and now that I have a solid job (I'm an applications developer), I'm thinking I should be saving for the future (particularly, retirement). I already have a high-interest savings account, for expenses along the way like car or a house, but it offers something like 2.5%/year, and is really not controlled in anyway other than a $5 penalty for withdrawing money (no penalty for transfers).

I'm looking for something a little more long-term (like the 40 years til my retirement.. hopefully sooner since I'm starting now ;)... but that I have the option to withdraw from in a crisis. Maybe something I could throw a few thousand into now, make regular deposits into (automated, maybe 20$/week or whatever), and put in more money from time to time when I have it. Also, something fairly low risk would be best (so my savings aren't destroyed in recessions).

Is that basically what an RRSP is? Or is an RRSP something different?

Are there any other options? With, say, 10,000, what would be the best way to start my savings for retirement?

(I will of course go into my bank and chat with them, but I'd like to go in knowing at least a little bit about my options)

Thanks guys!|||This is a huge subject, so I will give you a quick summary and a few benefits:

You are correct that you can deposit funds into an RRSP account throughout the year. At the end of the year, all your yearly contributions (for that calendar year) are deducted from your taxible income. If your yearly taxible earnings are $50,000 and you have purchased $5,000 worth of RRSPs, your taxable income for that year is now $45,000. (Benefit 1).

Benefit two may apply to you a few years from now. The Ontario government has a Home Buyers Plan, whereby you basically can borrow against your RRSP contributions to purchase your first home. For example, if you have invested $50,000 in RRSPs by the time you are ready to buy your first house, you can use that $50,000 as a down payment towards the home's purchase. Your obligation is to pay this back into your RRSPs over 15 years. There is, of course, a lot more involved with this program, but this is the gist of it. (Benefit 2)

When you reach a retirement age, all your RRSP contributions are rolled into a RIF account, which you would use as your pention. The tax rate of deriving income through a RIF account in retirement is much less than income from an employer. (Benefit 3)

If funds are required before maturing into a RIF at retirment, you can withdraw amounts from your RRSP, but penalties and additional tax will have to be paid.

As far as risk is concerned, when you go to the bank to discuss options, they will do (by law) an investor profile, which should give you the type of long-term investment you are looking for, risk-wise.

This is only the tip of the iceberg, but it hopefully gives you a bit of background before your visit to the bank.

Best of luck.

My car was repossessed... however....?

I was never given any information about what was to be done with the car (auction, private sale, etc). Now a couple of months later, I have a collection agency (AIC) calling me. I haven't answered yet because I really don't have the time to talk when they do call so I don't know if it's post auction or pre auction.

If it's pre auction, I'm guessing they are just trying to collect the total amount -

Oh, and on a side note, never deal with HSBC or Ed Voyles in the Atlanta area. 2002 Jetta TDI that was $12k got financed by HSBC for $18k. That's 50% interest and Ed Voyles had to lie to the bank saying I was putting $1k down but wrote me a $1k 'miscellaneous' check and withdrew it after I deposited it into my checking account using the $1k check I wrote them to be cashed after theirs cleared.

- However, if it's post auction and they are trying to collect on the remainder of what it didn't sell for, I've never received any written or oral information from the bank regarding what they were going to do with the car. If I'm not mistaken, I was supposed to be informed as to the course of action they would be taking prior to it being taken. If so, I was not.

What 'rights' per se do I have if this stipulation holds true?

Thanks in advance.|||If its been months since the repo then they have already auctioned off the car at pennies on the dollar. So unless you had equity in it you will owe tons of money.

Your only recourse is to ask the collector for proof of your debt. And then pay it, ignore it whatever. But dont think you are off the hook cause they took the car back. You signed a contract and must fulfill your obligation and will lose in court and have your wages garnished. You need to work out a payment plan to payoff your debt.|||You have proof of what would happen and your rights. Read your contract, it's spelled out there. That was easy.

As for what your bank charged you, that's your problem. Read the paperwork before autographing the thing.|||You already knew that if you didn't make payments on a vehicle you had financed that the financial institution would reposess it.

End of story. You had all the chances they would give you.

Now yes, they sell it and you pay balance owed, see you signed a contract with the bank- you said "I will pay you this amount of money" . You havent paid it all yet.

Next step for the bank is to garnish your wages, clean out your checking and savings accounts. Oh and you will pay even more money for their trouble of getting their money from you.

I woulkd suggest that you contact your bank and find out just how much you owe.

Does this seem "legit "?

We Have A Part Time Job For You!

DO MED Inc. is a United Kingdom based company selling medical goods.

We hav! e reached high sales volume of pharmaceutical products in UK and also,

in other European countries and we are now trying to penetrate in the

U.S. market. Unfortunately, we are facing new difficulties regarding taxes.

The international money transfer tax for legal entities (businesses) in UK is 30%,

whereas for the individual, it is only 8%. That's why our company is looking forward to hiring

agents to receive payments for our products and to resend the money to us. This way

we will save money due to the tax decrease.

The new recruitment program has been started recently for we are in

need of regional financial managers whose work consists of distributing

funds received from our customers and suppliers. You are not required to

have any extra knowledge or to be experienced in this business and

this occupation can endow additional income to you and your family as it

will not require more than few hours per week! .

If you are interested in our offer, please feel free to! ask for the general provisions

of the contract.


Adults only

Residents of USA

Owners of a computer with e-mail access

2-3 hours free time within the work day

Owners of a Wells Fargo Personal Checking or Savings Account or willing to open one.


Agent's work consists in receiving payment from customers (Wells Fargo

bank transfer or direct deposit) and making further payments to our main office or to one

of our regional affiliate departments, depending on the customer's location.

Being a part-time job, it should not take more than 2 hours per day.

Agent's commission is 8% from each transaction (for instance: you

receive $1500.00 to your bank account, you will withdraw the money and keep 8%

as payment for your service). All further money transfer charges and fees are covered

by our company. So you will be responsible just for making proper payments in time.

Each transaction will be made only after prior notification by phone call or e-mail.|||This is a scam, just google it and see for yourself.|||Bogus. What gives with the Wells Fargo account? I don't like how that sounds|||wow...that's just fraud and id theft waiting to happen|||sounds incredibly illegal to me. you don't want to get involved in the international transfer of money. that's a good way to land your butt in jail.|||No it does not. Sounds like a money laundering scam.|||it doesn't seem so|||Oh no,no,no do not do that. Scam, Scam, Scam